Stretching exercises are really good for those who want to increase height without any artificial medication but it takes time to have satisfactory result. On the contrary, the height increasing medicines are likely to produce effective result within a very short time frame. But more interesting fact is these medicines have some other positive effects too contrary to the popular belief of their harmful side-effects. In reality, the side-effects are of mild nature and outsmarted by the multiple benefits gained from them. Not only these medicines enhance the energy level in the adults but also help them fight against ageing. Human growth hormone (HGH) supplements stimulate the pituitary gland to release higher amount of HGH protein and as a result, you not only grow taller but also experience higher energy level. If you are really serious about taking these supplements, consult with your physician prior to gulping them down.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Height Increasing Medicines – More to Offer Other Than Height Increase
Stretching exercises are really good for those who want to increase height without any artificial medication but it takes time to have satisfactory result. On the contrary, the height increasing medicines are likely to produce effective result within a very short time frame. But more interesting fact is these medicines have some other positive effects too contrary to the popular belief of their harmful side-effects. In reality, the side-effects are of mild nature and outsmarted by the multiple benefits gained from them. Not only these medicines enhance the energy level in the adults but also help them fight against ageing. Human growth hormone (HGH) supplements stimulate the pituitary gland to release higher amount of HGH protein and as a result, you not only grow taller but also experience higher energy level. If you are really serious about taking these supplements, consult with your physician prior to gulping them down.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Schizophrenia – An Overview
Schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder derives its name from Greek origin schizein(to split) and phren (mind). This psychiatric illness is diagnosed mainly in the early twenties in case of men and in late twenties or early thirties in case of women though the disease can clutch a person at any age too. This mental disorder may be of various types with manifestation of several symptoms such as bizarre behaviour, incoherent babbling like delirium, auditory or visual hallucination, disorganized thoughts etc.
The reason behind the occurrence of schizophrenia is still not clear to the scientists. Many are of the view that if the amount of neurotransmitter in the brain surpasses the limit, it leads to disordered thought and activities. Neurotransmitter is a chemical that controls the way we think, express ourselves and behave with the others. If it gets stored in huge amount, the normal activities get hampered and a group of serious mental disorders becomes prominent. Though the chemical is blamed for the abnormal behaviour in human being, the scientists are yet to dig out the rhyme why it keeps piling up beyond the level of normality.
The schizophrenics often withdraw from their family and friends. They like to retreat into their own world of thought that is far from reality. Many of them can not even perform simple activities like preparing a meal or having a shower. Sometimes they are engaged in tattling that one can hardly comprehend and other times they are lost into an imaginary world encompassed and embroidered with their bizarre thoughts.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Chemotherapy: the effects on the patient
There is however one problematic side effect of using this method. Along with the destruction of the malignant cells, chemotherapy also destroys or damages the healthy cells of the body.
The transmission of the neurological signals between the stomach and the brain is the reason behind the nausea and vomiting experienced by the patient. Chemotherapy Nausea Relief is of prime necessity to patients undergoing such treatments.
Physiological reason behind the problem
The injury to the inner cells of the stomach results in the production of Serotonin and Histamine, the two prominent neurotransmitters. These are released into the Peripheral Nervous System.
When these come in contact with the Cerebrospinal Fluid they trigger an adverse reaction. The CSF is under continuous monitoring by the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone, located in the medulla or lower brain stem region. As soon as this zone feels the presence of the neurotransmitters it sends a signal to the vomiting center.
The instant the vomiting center receives confirmation about the presence of any sort of harmful substance it purges the contents of the stomach. This is a measure taken to keep the body safe from any harm.
Use of traditional healing method
There are a number of medications available to counter the effects of chemotherapy. However use of more medications is not a good idea. You never know how your body would react to those.
This is the chief reason behind the popularity of treatments based on traditional healing techniques. One of these is acupressure, the shortened form of accurate pressure. Developed in ancient China, the basic principle of this treatment is that the application of pressure on certain points of the body is capable of healing medical problems.
An example of the effective use of acupressure to solve a health condition is the Chemotherapy Nausea Bracelet designed by BioBands. This is used for individuals who experience nausea when undergoing chemotherapy.
The bracelet or wrist band has a bead placed on the inner side. The strategic position of the bead is done so as to apply continuous pressure on a certain point on the wrist, known as the P6 point. This eases the problem.
Acupressure: the way it works
No one knows for sure how acupressure works in relation to preventing nausea and vomiting. There is no particular explanation about how applying pressure to the P6 point on the wrist reduces the feeling of nausea.
Scientists have concluded that there could be two possible explanations behind this. The application of pressure prevents the transmission of the signals to the brain thus ending the feelings of nausea and vomiting.
Another possibility is that the pressure releases the hormone endorphin and as a result eases the discomfort. This uneasiness is similar to the feeling of Nausea during Pregnancy
These wrist bands are devoid of any side effects and are effective as well. All you need to do is find a suitable one and wear it. Made from durable material these last for a long time and you can reuse it as often as you want.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Homeopathy Medicines-helpful to increase height
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Body stretching exercises help to increase height
The entities that have a short height, after crossing so much of humiliations and embarrassment due to their height fall in the trap of these false promises of the artificial tablets which assure long height. Instead of falling in the trap of these fake medicines and pain full surgeries they should try out with normal dieting system and ample amount of water. There are many natural Body stretching exercises which can help in the proper functioning of the growth hormones and gaining their desired height. The healthy foods which help to increase height are fruits and vegetables, juice and milk, and many more. The various Body stretching exercises are arms stretching exercises, legs stretching exercises; back bone stretching exercises and many more. There is another form of Body stretching exercises which is known as yoga. It can solve all most all kinds of medical problems including short height tribulation.
Hair loss is a common problem for all men and women specifically for the age group of 30-40. There are a lot of formula developed from various laboratories to overcome the hair loss situation. New generation is facing the problem as beauty and looking handsome are their primary concerns. They give a lot of their time in dressing and getting ready for the parties. New generation people is really aware of hair care.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Benefits of Home Care
The elderly people of your family need extra care. When people are young they never think of getting prepared for the days when they will grow old. Old age seems to be a thing of distant future. However time creeps up and people grow old and find that they are not ready to fight the new challenges. Therefore it is essential for everyone to be prepared for those days when they will no longer go to office or when their physical heath will not be as sound as that of the young generation.
On the other hand for young people who have elderly members in their family it is their responsibility to make sure that their elders lead a peaceful and comfortable life. For many aged people doing the daily works eating, washing clothes or even walking becomes very difficult.
It is natural for you to be reluctant to send your dear ones to the hospital or old age home. You want them to be with you. In that case home care is the best solution for your near and dear ones. The home care service providers can look after the elderly people of your home. They can not only provide medical assistance but also help the aged people with their regular tasks.
Another major problem of elderly people is that they feel lonely when all the other members of the family go out for work. They need someone to share their experience. Care givers can be their friend in need. Availing home care for the elderly people is the best option since the aged people can stay at their home and enjoy the company of the family members.
If you live in Dublin and looking for home care service provider you can go online and search with keywords like Dublin care, Dublin home care, home care in Dublin etc.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Alzheimer's disease - why it happens?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Is it possible to grow after crossing the teen age?
Surveys have proved that more than forty percent of the common crowd are short heighted. Have we ever thought what kind of problems they come through? They are mostly looked down upon and neglected by the others. In professional fields like navigation, air craft, army, defense and many more short heighted people have washed their hands off from the job because of their height oriented disorder. The reason for this problem among the individual might range from malfunctioning of the body organs to less secretion of the growth hormones. Not only this, the reason for their short height might be that they have carried this disorder in their genes.
What is the solution for these youngsters who are just not adults and facing the problem of short height? Can they ever grow taller at this age? Yes surely they can and the way is by following some simple height increase exercises and taking a proper diet and foods which are reach in amino acids because amino acids help to secrete the fluids of the growth hormones.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Palm Beach Surgery Centers and Services
Palm Beach surgery units have the best surgeons on their rolls. With their years of experience and in depth knowledge of medicine, they would suggest the right treatment for you. The Palm Beach multi specialty clinics offer treatment even in cases which involve complications.
The different types of surgeries conducted at these multi specialty units include
Parathyroid Surgery
Thyroid Surgery
Abdominal Surgery
Oncologic Surgery
Endovascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Hernia Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Rectal Surgery
Breast Surgery
Colon Surgery
The combination of the best medical infrastructure; doctors with their years of hands on experience and medical knowledge and the care provided by the staff make these Palm Beach surgery units one of the most sought after centers for medical treatment. You can check the website of these health care centers for complete information on the services provided by them before you go for a check up in one of these health care centers.
But before you pay a visit to these multi specialty surgery units, it is important that you carry a complete record of your medical reports till date including the prescription of the doctors and reports of the medical examinations conducted so far. You can make a prior appointment by calling up the center well in advance so that you are not late for it. You can be assured of the fact that your medical record is a confidential bit of data and therefore none of it will be divulged without seeking your permission.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
There is No Alternative to Yogic Exercises for Natural Height Increase
Height matters to proper look and appearance. Attitude, personality, height, outlook, fitness and health are the building blocks of one’s impressive image. But everyone is not graced with tall height. Stubby persons take their short height for granted. However, you are fortunate enough to increase your height naturally by means of yogic exercises. You may not be in the know of what yoga is. Yoga is good for natural height increase. Some specific yogic exercises are supposed to trigger the secretion of hormones that is responsible for the growth in height of the body.
Chakrasana is a highly beneficial yogic exercise for natural height increase. It accelerates the bodily functions to increase the height of individuals by relaxing the inflexible muscles of the back and the sides. The relaxation of the stiff muscles endows the body with a tall posture. Tadasana or shoulder stand is another yogic asana to increase height in a natural way. It requires you to stand in an upright posture on the ground and hold your shoulders and back muscles upright. Only regular practice can bear fruits.
The Pranayama is the superlative method for natural height increase. It is a set of several yogic breath exercises. It is a wonder for the effective treatment of a number of diseases. An increase in height of the body by a few inches is possible if the breathing exercises are practiced properly and regularly. The Pranayama triggers the metabolism of the body to accelerate height. Postures for yogic breathing exercises should be maintained meticulously by following step by step instructions. Yoga tones the body in such a way as to make it look and appear tall.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Keys to Natural Height Growth
Natural ways to increase your height-
There is a gland in your body that stimulates growth by secreting a hormone. You can boost the secretion of that hormone by regularly practicing some things which will be your key to natural height growth.
* Sleep Tight: at least sleep for 8 hours a day. Sleeping less than 8 hours can put adverse impact on your body, thus reducing the secretion of the growth hormone. But do not sleep for more than 8 hours. That will not benefit you in any means.
* Incorporate a healthy diet into your schedule: eating healthy will automatically boost your natural height growth. Incorporate foodstuff like whole grains, dairy products (must be low fat), fruits and vegetables. These are the things that will really help your body to grow fast.
* Exercise, exercise and exercise, but in the right manner: there are certain exercises that stimulate your natural height growth. You can start with simple things like climbing stairs, walking, and of course, yoga. When you exercise, you actually help your muscles to expand. Working out means you can retain the extended position of your muscles and bones, which automatically increases your height.
Before starting the exercising regime, you must consult your physician because not everyone is blessed with good health. Check with your doctor to find out about any after-effects or adverse effects that these exercises can cause you.