Schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder derives its name from Greek origin schizein(to split) and phren (mind). This psychiatric illness is diagnosed mainly in the early twenties in case of men and in late twenties or early thirties in case of women though the disease can clutch a person at any age too. This mental disorder may be of various types with manifestation of several symptoms such as bizarre behaviour, incoherent babbling like delirium, auditory or visual hallucination, disorganized thoughts etc.
The reason behind the occurrence of schizophrenia is still not clear to the scientists. Many are of the view that if the amount of neurotransmitter in the brain surpasses the limit, it leads to disordered thought and activities. Neurotransmitter is a chemical that controls the way we think, express ourselves and behave with the others. If it gets stored in huge amount, the normal activities get hampered and a group of serious mental disorders becomes prominent. Though the chemical is blamed for the abnormal behaviour in human being, the scientists are yet to dig out the rhyme why it keeps piling up beyond the level of normality.
The schizophrenics often withdraw from their family and friends. They like to retreat into their own world of thought that is far from reality. Many of them can not even perform simple activities like preparing a meal or having a shower. Sometimes they are engaged in tattling that one can hardly comprehend and other times they are lost into an imaginary world encompassed and embroidered with their bizarre thoughts.